Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paul C and Luca Morris - Our Noise mp3

Artist: Paul C and Luca Morris
Album name: Our Noise
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoOur Noise (Simone Cristini remix)
  2. MP3LogoOur Noise (plus and Mminus remix)

Vector Two - Party People mp3

Artist: Vector Two
Album name: Party People
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoParty People (Original mix)
  2. MP3LogoParty People (the Kgbs remix)

Physics problems please help?

1. If a=12i^ - 16j^ and b=-24i^ + 10j^, what is the magnitude of the vector c=2a - b
i^=i hat(the "^" goes over the i)

2.If c=[2.5cm, 80*] i.e. the magnitude and direction of c are 2.5cm and 80*, d=[3.5cm, 120*] and e=d - 2c, then what is the dirction of e(to the nearest degree)

3. Two vectors, a=5i^+6j^+7k and b=3i^-8j^+2k^, are drawn starting at the same point. What is the angle between them?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Frank Lorber - Switch (26 february 2006) mp3

Artist: Frank Lorber
Album name: Switch (26 february 2006)
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoSwitch (Studio Brussel) (26 february 2006)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stereologic - Escuchame EP mp3

Artist: Stereologic
Album name: Escuchame EP
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoEscuchame
  2. MP3LogoDrive in Moscow

Fabrizio Maurizi - OK Switch on mp3

Artist: Fabrizio Maurizi
Album name: OK Switch on
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoCabron
  2. MP3LogoMy Imaginary Friend
  3. MP3LogoBefore the Wind (Digital Only)
  4. MP3LogoNo Fear (Digital Only)
  5. MP3LogoCabron
  6. MP3LogoMy Imaginary Friend
  7. MP3LogoBefore the Wind (Digital Only)
  8. MP3LogoNo Fear (Digital Only)

A1 Swoop - Black Market (Breakpoint Nudisco remixes)

Artist: A1 Swoop
Album name: Black Market (Breakpoint Nudisco remixes)
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoBlack Market (Nudisco remix)


Friday, January 23, 2009

Oscar - This is not

Artist: Oscar
Album name: This is not
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoThis is not A Pinkrock Song (the Glitz remix)
  2. MP3LogoSpooky Signs (Original mix)
  3. MP3LogoThis is not A Pinkrock Song (Original mix)

Purchase Cheap MP3

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dub Kult - The Fly

Artist: Dub Kult
Album name: The Fly
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoThe Fly
  2. MP3LogoBrave and Afraid

Purchase MP3

Zombie Nation - Monegros Desert Festival mixed by Christian Smith

Artist: Zombie Nation
Album name: Monegros Desert Festival mixed by Christian Smith
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoThe Cut featuring My Robot Friend

Creating a Nation of Zombies

The Dumbing Down of America so we are powerless against the ones in power. So we are powerless and depend on Government for everything. A great look into why we are consuming poisons in our everyday products. A must see video......

Killing Nazi Zombies Ist Gut!

Who would have thought taking off the heads of decomposing, regenerated national socialists would have been so fun?

Zombie Bankers Feast On U.S. Economy

No one knows who they are. No one knows how many there are. No one knows how much they are using the healthcare system. No one knows how much they are contributing to the economy and the tax base. Who is this mysterious cabal endangering America’s national security?

Pot is More Popular in America than in the Netherlands

Contrary To Claims of U.S. Drug Warriors, the Netherlands' Legalization of Marijuana Hasn't Led To a Nation of Zombies

Zombie Nation

In 1999 a mysterious object crashes into the desert and a mysterious creature, Darc Seed appears. Using magnetic powers, he soon turns the people of the United States into zombies and exerts influence over various weapons and objects.

If Mars Attacks, Who's Fit: Obama Or McCain?

My fellow Americans, science fiction has anticipated our current national dilemma: forever wars, economic collapse, mutant zombies running in the streets. Since we're already facing a bunch of science fictional scenarios made real, which candidate would best handle the real tests facing the nation from the following scenarios from SF movies

Zombie Big Brother starts on E4

Dead Set, a new five-part series about a national zombie outbreak, kicks off on E4 on Monday. Not one for the faint hearted, it's set in the Big Brother house as a group of fictional housemates fight off a growing mass of the undead outside their four-walled fortress.

Lorne Gunter and the “National Pest” Debunked … Again

So one of the great bastions of climate change / globale warming ignorance is at it again. The National Post, and Lorne Gunter in particular have been exposed repeatedly before, but like Undead Zombies they simply rise again, this time with “Lorne Gunter: Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof“.

Zombie Nation | F.A.T.

At least we won't have to worry about him dying in office!

ThreatDown - Zombies | Tuesday October 7 |

Awesome Colbert threat down. Talking about bears, Subway, and Jared.

Should We Have A National Zombie Awareness Day?

The threat of a zombie apocalypse is on the rise. Why aren't they discussing such an important issue during the presidential debates? I believe we need a national zombie awareness day.

Watch Zombie Strippers! (2008) Free Online

Watch the highest quality of Zombie Strippers! (2008) streaming online for free. In a near future, President George Bush has been just elected for the fourth time with his vice Arnold Schwarzenegger and the USA is in war against many nations, among them Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, France and Alaska. In order to compensate the loss of soldiers,

Retrospective: Abarenbou Tengu (Zombie Nation) for NES

Retrospective: Abarenbou Tengu (Zombie Nation) for NES

10 Movies for Democrats

The Democratic National Convention is over, and all the ecstatic party members have left Denver to go back to their zombie-esque lives. But after four days of celebrating what it means to be a Democrat, some may not wish to settle down and calmly wait out the next two months until Obama’s (possible) win, here are movies to pass the time.

Zombie: Anatomy of a Video - Democratic Convention 2008

(Cross-posted at Pajamas Media.) How the media and left-wing blogs combined to create a police scandal out of thin air The real story behind the Alicia Forrest/Carlo Garcia arrests. On Tuesday, August 27, during the Democratic National Convention in Denver, I witnessed an...


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Redhead - Chrome Resident EP

Artist: Redhead
Album name: Chrome Resident EP
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoNea Kameni

GINGER part 2 The Begining

Bobo and Fredrick enjoy a lovely day in the snow when they find blood on the ground. They hear some bells and see "GINGER" and "GINGER" hunts them down.

Author: TheMurderingGinger

Keywords: ginger red head redhead smile candle stick tyler bargerhuff kris barnes chris kasey kill killing death murder murdering blood school high weed drugs killer

Added: January 21, 2009


Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Paolo Mojo - Renaissance intro Tool

Artist: Paolo Mojo
Album name: Renaissance intro Tool
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoParis (King Unique remix)
  2. MP3LogoParis (Original mix)
  3. MP3LogoParis (Renaissance intro mix)
  4. MP3LogoVendome (Original mix)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vice - Techno 2

Artist: Vice
Album name: Techno 2
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoRitual

if two lesbians/ gay people married what would they be called ?

would they be wife and wife or hubby and hubby or what
would a girl introduce her wife as this is my wife or what
would a fem gay man call the masculine gay man his husband and vice versa and would a masculine lesbian call her wife her wife and would the other lady call her wife her husband

ive always wanted to know this im not lesbian or anything but im just wondering and dont go telling me how to adress letters respectfully okay thanks


DJ Fernando Lopez - Puissance Techno Best of

Artist: DJ Fernando Lopez
Album name: Puissance Techno Best of
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoMeteorites



Author: djyayirove


Added: May 24, 2008

DJ Fernando Lopez - Puissance Techno Best of

Artist: DJ Fernando Lopez
Album name: Puissance Techno Best of
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoMeteorites



Author: djyayirove


Added: May 24, 2008

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Penner and Muder - Are You Lost

Artist: Penner and Muder
Album name: Are You Lost
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoAre You Lost
  2. MP3LogoAre You Lost (dub)
  3. MP3LogoMillenium Falcon


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mate Galic - Mayday - the Judgement Day

Artist: Mate Galic
Album name: Mayday - the Judgement Day
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoOur Hobby is Different

Unsel Brown - Lost Vault

Artist: Unsel Brown
Album name: Lost Vault
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoUntitled A1
  2. MP3LogoUntitled A2
  3. MP3LogoUntitled B1


Friday, January 9, 2009

Marky - Take 2 Pieces

Artist: Marky
Album name: Take 2 Pieces
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoWhats Wrong with the Clap
  2. MP3LogoCoolin
  3. MP3LogoBeat 1
  4. MP3LogoDestructive Signal
  5. MP3LogoRattlerap
  6. MP3LogoBeat 2


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kosmonova - DJ Promotion CD Pool Techno 03

Artist: Kosmonova
Album name: DJ Promotion CD Pool Techno 03
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoRaumpatrouille Dream mix
