Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Horder - Hard Teck mp3

Artist: Horder
Album name: Hard Teck
Tracks :
  1. MP3LogoTrickyfree

Horders Pack Rats Messy Houses?

Hi. I need someones help. I know someone who is a horder/packrat and just has the messiest house ever. The house is filled with everything from junk mail to laundry to dirty dishes. He lives alone, and the house has been like this for years. Help has been offered and he lies and says he is cleaning the mess and taking care of it. He will not allow any one in the house and always finds a way to leave so he doesnt have to deal with the mess. Every room in the house is effected. The living room, all three bedrooms, the family/computer room, both bathrooms, the basement, the back yard and the garage. He is very overwhelmed and I dont know what to do to help or to get him motivated to want to clean it and ask for help to get the job done.

How do you help someone in this situation who doesn't seem to want help, but you know desperatley needs it!!!

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